How to Choose a Massage Chair?

How to Choose a Massage Chair?

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Shopping for a massage chair can be compared to choosing something to watch on Netflix. With so many massage chair brands and models available, how do you go about making a decision? When shopping for a massage chair, confusion and analysis paralysis are challenges for many massage chair buyers.

Still, after deciding to invest in a massage chair, you will, no doubt, have many questions. Consequently, it is crucial to prioritize and get essential answers first—specifically, “Why do I want a massage chair?” Considering that question will help you narrow down your options before going deeper into the process.

Buying a Massage Chair: Start by Identifying Your General Goals

To know what to look for in a massage chair, you should first think about what type of experience you want the chair to deliver. For instance, you may be looking for a massage chair that you will use primarily or exclusively to help you wind down in the evenings after busy days. If so, you will want a chair that provides gentle, relaxing massages.

Maybe you are an elite athlete or even a “serious amateur” with an intense workout regimen that leaves your muscles fatigued and sore. In that case, you might benefit from vigorous massage sessions that stimulate healing and support recovery. It is also common to have a foot in both camps, so to speak. You want vigorous bodywork at certain times but also enjoy periodic light massages.

Understanding the massage chair benefits you are interested in will help you identify the right set of massage chair features. Be aware that it is common for massage chair shoppers to reverse that order. They look at feature sets in the different types of massage chairs and then consider the kinds of experiences that the functionality can deliver. But ultimately, how a massage feels and affects your body should be the foundation for your research and purchase decision.

Features and Functions To Consider When Buying a Massage Chair

While it is true that the experience a massage chair provides is the most important factor in deciding to purchase it, features and functions are important. Consequently, you should talk with a massage chair expert (like our Comfort Consultants) and get answers to questions like: 

  • What types of massage does the chair provide? (Shiatsu? Swedish? Stretch?) 
  • How much of my body will the massage chair reach?
  • How durable and reliable are the massage chairs I’m considering?
  • What types of rollers and tracks are best for my body type?
  • Should I get a chair that provides heat therapy?
  • Is a chair’s ability to reach a zero gravity reclining position important to me? 
  • How close to the wall can I position a particular massage chair?

These are just a few examples of massage chair characteristics to consider. Fortunately, you do not need an exhaustive list of questions in hand when working with a Furniture For Life Comfort Consultant. They are experts in educating buyers on the latest technology and how various massage chair features deliver specific benefits. Our team members are also very transparent about the pros and cons of the many chairs we carry.

For example, if you’re considering a chair that has more functionality than you need and buying a less expensive massage chair would be a better use of your budget, they will tell you. Similarly, if a chair at a higher price point will meet your needs more effectively than the one you are considering, they will share that insight as well. And in either scenario, their focus is on assisting you—not persuading you.

Massage Chair Wellness Benefits

The enjoyment you get from using a massage chair is reason enough to own one. But for many people, the wellness benefits are crucial. While there are many types of massage chairs, each with different programs, features, etc., they all typically contribute to a user’s overall well-being—particularly with regular use—in similar ways. Frequent sessions can:

  • Relieve muscle tension
  • Improve circulation
  • Streamline the movement of vital nutrients and oxygen in the body
  • Induce better sleep
  • Support mental/emotional wellness
  • Address past injuries 
  • Speed recovery from intense workouts

The wellness benefits are similar to those from regular visits to a massage therapist, but without the scheduling, travel, and higher cost. In addition, your massage chair is available 24/7/365, which means you will likely enjoy massages far more frequently.

Researching the Company Behind the Chair

No article on how to choose a massage chair would complete without encouragement to research the company offering the chairs you are evaluating. There are countless businesses that will sell you a massage chair, but a much smaller number will support you attentively after you make your purchase. 

If you do not see any mention of after-sales service or warranties in a company’s sales literature, and you can’t find favorable reviews from other consumers online, you should keep looking for a provider that prioritizes your post-purchase satisfaction. For example, Furniture For Life offers a 3-year, in-home service and parts warranty on nearly all of its massage chairs. And while we hope the durable, reliable products in our collection will never require repairs, it is nice to know that you can count on prompt attention to any issues you encounter.

Where To Experience Massage Chairs

Knowing how to choose a massage chair is crucial, but so is knowing where to do your evaluation. Starting your research online is convenient and can be helpful, but doing in-person demos of several chairs is essential.

When you visit a Furniture For Life showroom, you get guidance from a Comfort Consultant, as noted above. You also get access to our curated collection of The World’s Best Massage Chairs®. We have used our decades of experience to select exceptional chairs from the industry’s most respected manufacturers. Our chairs offer an array of features, functions, and price points, but share certain characteristics like innovative designs, quality construction, and the ability to produce truly remarkable experiences.

And you get to evaluate our chairs in the comfortable, no-rush, no-pressure environment of our showrooms.

Buying a Massage Chair: Preparing for Your Visit

We are happy to see you whenever you choose to visit one of our many Furniture For Life showrooms. No reservation and no homework is required. However, you may want to take this fun and informative quiz before you stop by to jumpstart your research.

You can also learn a great deal about how to choose a massage chair in our free Massage Chair Buyer’s Guide. It is a valuable resource that covers everything from the importance of identifying what is important to you to what to look for when trying a massage chair.

If you dream of excellent in-home massages available to you and your family whenever you like, you have completed the first step in turning that dream into a reality: learning what is involved in researching and buying a massage chair. Now, we look forward to seeing you in a Furniture For Life showroom and showing you just how effective and enjoyable a massage chair can be. 

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